Strange Rock ... Possible Meteorite ?

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Strange Rock ... Possible Meteorite ?

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While digging the ponds and putting fence up for the horses -- we found this strange looking rock ...


 I know nothing about Meteorites but have been told by many different people that this could be one.

It was found out in the field where we were putting horse fence up. It looks to have been tilled up by a tractor -- the field has been used for corn and soy beans for years and years before we bought it.  This 'rock' is so extremely heavy - we had to use a tractor to drag it up to the house.   A rock of this size should be able to be moved by three men -- this one is not !

It has the 'thumbprint' look to it -- it has a black 'crust' look to it -- it's very heavy .. but it does not attract a magnet.  What could it be ?   If it's a big piece of iron ore .. wouldn't it attract a magnet ? 

Below are some pictures I have taken from different angles.  We flipped it over and took pics of the bottom of it as well.  It was sitting on a hilly area in the yard so two of us were able to flip it.  It wasn't easy though !  The bottom ( seen as the top in some of these pics ) ... was actually buried in the dirt when we found it.  Not sure how long it had been buried there .. it was in a wet area.


Top corner

Big 'thumbprints' here ...

After being flipped

Side view with the cats sitting on it so you can see how big it is.  This was taken after it was flipped over.

Bottoms UP!

This is the bottom side UP ... after we flipped it.  The whole thing is smooth .. except the bottom where it looks like the tractor may have smacked it and broken a piece off. ??

Close up of the thumbprints ...

Close up on the thumbprints and black streak.   I'll break a piece off and post pics of the inside tonight.  Thanks for looking!

Small piece taken off ...

This is a small piece taken off with a hammer and flipped over and set on the rock so you can see both the inside of the piece I took off .. and the place where it was taken off.  With just my hammer I wasn't able to get a good piece of it .. it's like the outside part will come off but the inner part of it is very hard to get to.

My Dad actually has a bigger piece he took off with a brick hammer last year.  I'll get pictures of that and post them here tomorrow.  UPDATE :  the rock does NOT attract a magnet but will make the needle of a compass 'quiver'.

Inside of larger piece broken off last year ...

(another picture just added below this one )

 Not much to see here .. I guess I'll send a piece to someone who knows what to look for so they can tell me what this thing is.  Please email me at you have any ideas.  Thanks!

Picture above - piece cut in half with saw ...

This is the same piece of rock above .. only cut in half with a saw.  The one above was broken off of the big rock with a hammer.  This shows a better view of the inside .. it's smooth with what looks like rust colored veins running through it.